Thursday, September 21, 2006

Oh Fortuna

My favorite choral piece. I was looking on You Tube for something I could post with this music on it and I found this. Enjoy, I guess.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

You know you've made it when ...

After winning American Idol 5 only about 4 months ago Taylor Hicks' single "Do I Make You Proud" (released just after the show ended) has already been parodied by Wierd Al Yankovic. Just more evidence that his career is really about to take off.

The parody "Do I Creep You Out" can be found here.

Here is the original, as performed by Taylor on the Idol Finals.

Go Taylor! Wooo!


Monster Smart Car

Can crush a dozen Tonka trucks in a single pass.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Creepiest Commercial Ever

The guy with the beard totally reminds me of Rasputin.
Which is probably why this commercial creeps me out so bad.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Spongeboard Squarepants

I found a cute new online game, Spongebob Jellyfish Shuffleboard.
To play go here.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Picture For Alisa

Hee Hee :)

If you don't know why this is funny just look here.

Book Review - Sinister Forces : The Nine

This book was fascinating and frustrating at the same time.

It is what I would have to call a "conspiracy theory" work that follows an Occult trail in American history starting with the ancient Native American Mound Building culture, then winding its way through Christopher Columbus, The Salem Witch Hunts, The Mormons, Operation Paperclip, the Cold War, the Manson Family, the JFK Assassination and MK-ULTRA.

You are also introduced to such "interesting" groups as the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis), the Golden Dawn, the Episcopi Vagantes (Wandering Bishops) and finally The Nine (I'll make you read the book for more info on this one, but it's worth it)

This book was frustrating in the sense that it was difficult to read, not because it was poorly written but because it contains so much information, particularly names and dates. It's hard to keep everything straight at times.
It was fascinating though in the sense of how the author manages to connect everything listed above. (and more, the list is just a small sample)

And as much information as this book contains it is only book one in a series (of five I think). Author Peter Levenda spent some 20-25 years researching the topic and it shows in the staggering amount of info packed into just the first volume.

Although it was a difficult read (and I am not a scholar, by any means) I highly recommend it. (If your into that sort of thing)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Taylor Does the Weather

Hope you enjoy this little video, I think it's cute.
But then, I think Taylor is so freaking adorable, I can hardly stand it. I just want to pick him up and squeeze him. I absolutely love the southern accent.
I think I'll go listen to his CD now. :)


Hippo and Bagpipe Dog

Hipo & Bagpipe Dog - video powered by Metacafe

A little French animation I thought was cute.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Poor Maggie

No one would play ball with her, we were all too busy painting this weekend.
Doesn't she look so sad?

Painting Cabinets

So I spent a part of this weekend with my sister helping my Mom paint her kitchen cabinets. I have to say going from brown to white is a huge change. We only did one side of the kitchen and it already makes the space look way bigger. Here are some before, during and after pictures.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My Favorite Saint

I've update my profile to include a picture of my favorite saint, St. Francis of Assisi. Now whenever someone looks at my profile or if I leave a comment on their blog, the picture will show up. I might change it later, but for now this is good. Above is a photo of a painting by Michelangelo Caravaggio called "The Stigmatization of Saint Francis". One day I'd like to have a reproduction of this painting for my own home. My favorite quotation from St Francis: "Preach the gospel at all times, if necessary use words." He is also the patron saint of animals, the environment and dying alone. For more information on St. Francis click here.