Book Review - Sinister Forces : The Nine
This book was fascinating and frustrating at the same time.
It is what I would have to call a "conspiracy theory" work that follows an Occult trail in American history starting with the ancient Native American Mound Building culture, then winding its way through Christopher Columbus, The Salem Witch Hunts, The Mormons, Operation Paperclip, the Cold War, the Manson Family, the JFK Assassination and MK-ULTRA.
You are also introduced to such "interesting" groups as the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis), the Golden Dawn, the Episcopi Vagantes (Wandering Bishops) and finally The Nine (I'll make you read the book for more info on this one, but it's worth it)
This book was frustrating in the sense that it was difficult to read, not because it was poorly written but because it contains so much information, particularly names and dates. It's hard to keep everything straight at times.
It was fascinating though in the sense of how the author manages to connect everything listed above. (and more, the list is just a small sample)
And as much information as this book contains it is only book one in a series (of five I think). Author Peter Levenda spent some 20-25 years researching the topic and it shows in the staggering amount of info packed into just the first volume.
Although it was a difficult read (and I am not a scholar, by any means) I highly recommend it. (If your into that sort of thing)
cool. definatley taken into consideration,
still can't see well enough to bother with fixing the typo that caused the blurry red line to appear.
What blurry red line?
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