Snakes on a Plane
Is this movie for real? I mean 2 1/2 hours of snakes ... on a plane? I've seen a few trailers now, and as far as I can tell, that's pretty much it. And then to top it off you call it "Snakes on a Plane"?
Honestly, I don't know where this movies coming from, but I have a few thoeries:
1. Samuel L. Jackson lost a bet and his punishment is global cinematic humiliation.
2. Another CIA plot to further the "dumbing down" of the American public in order to continue operations in the mid-east without protest.
3. A big Hollywood joke, "Let's make the dumbest movie possible, give it the lamest name and see who many millions we can make. Oh, and let's put a big name celebrity in there, just so we can make sure to break even"
Any other theories welcome.
i have never seen a trailer for that movie, but even if it was to be a good movie, one involving a whole bunch of snakes would not be my first choice!
still that would be better than seeing arachnephobia again. (i don't know how to spell that)
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